I've been playing Secret of the Mana and some of the old Ultima series over the last few weeks, and have gotten inspired.
The basic idea I'm working on is a tribal-based society, much like the celts, africans, or native americans around the turn of the last millenia. Just as our society is divided into two gender-castes, these tribes are also divided into castes of three energies (creation, weaving, and destruction) and the four elements (earth, air, water, fire), which combined give us 12 "totems" much like zodiac signs.
Each character's birth totem gives them powers to transform into their totem and use their element in the energy of that totem, and they can learn others through gameplay.
This will be an offline game until it's nearly complete. I'm thinking about online multiplayer play, in the style of a single-player RPG, with new quests and challenges being added to the server to extend playability.